Senior Portraits | Long Grove
My very first client has a daughter who is a senior this year and reached out to me to shoot her senior portraits! I was thrilled to be considered. I really enjoyed photographing their family the first time. Their two daughters are beautiful!
We set up the shoot for late October, but scheduled a rain date in case the weather was no good. It turned out to be incliment weather on our oriignal day, so we held off until the rain date. We had absolutely gorgeous fall weather that day! It was so worth it to wait.
The only downside of rescheduling was that I was “out” a pretty penny. I had rented a lens especially for her senior portrait session. That’s not their fault though – I have wanted this lens for awhile but wanted to test drive it first. A portrait session was the perfect opportunity. Of course, going into it I knew it was a risk. The fall weather is hit or miss in the Midwest and that day just happened to be a miss.
It wasn’t all for nothing though – Erik and I went out around downtown Long Grove the Saturday before the shoot to play around with the lens. We figured we would get some “model/fashion” shots of him in one of his Assassin’s Creed jackets since he does product reviews on his Youtube channel. Plus, I didn’t want to go into a paid shoot blindly without testing out the product before hand.
I liked the lens right away, but by the time we were done I loved it. We both did. It was too bad I wasn’t able to use it for Emma’s portraits, but I’m looking forward to getting it one day.
The shoot itself went great. We shot at Reed-Turner Woodland Nature Preserve in Long Grove. It was a tad bit chilly, but Emma didn’t want to bring her jacket with her. She looked fine the entire time to me and didn’t say a thing about the cold. I was surprised at the end of the shoot when she told her mom she was cold and wanted to get into the warm car! What a champ!
My only regret for this shoot was not capturing more “falling leaves” photos to composite together to make one great one. We had Emma’s mom stand off camera and throw leaves while I snapped away. I ended up delivering several variations of it for them so they could pick what they liked.
I had a lot of fun photographing Emma. She is a sweet girl with lots of promise. I would be honored if I got to photograph her sister one day too!