
Holly & Ivy Photography / Family Sessions  / Family Portraits | Mundelein

Family Portraits | Mundelein

I recently got to shoot family portraits for my boss and his family at St. Mary’s on the Lake and it was a great day!

For those of you who don’t know, my husband Erik and I work together. And we are lucky enough to have a really awesome boss where we work. We recently got together to go to the Renaissance Faire together and it was such a blast! The best part was getting to know his wife a little more. She’s such a cool person and was really easy to talk to!

Anyway, one day my boss approached me and inquired about my pricing for family portraits, which caught me off guard but also left me elated. They had semi-recently had their first little girl, who is so cute and funny, and they wanted some photos with the three of them.

My boss’ wife chose the location. It was a place neither Erik or I had ever heard of, but was really close by. It was St. Mary’s on the Lake, which turned out to be a huge seminary campus. The grounds were gorgeous and very inspiring – green forests, east-coast style brick building architecture, tall buildings, bridges… They also had, as the name implies, a huge, sparkling gorgeous lake.

It was a little tricky communicating exactly where Erik and I were waiting to my boss since the place was so big, but we figured it out. We ended up parking by the lake and by two really brick cool bridges. Also near us was a large expanse of tiered patios and grass meant for relaxing, kind of like a quad.

Before we had even finished unpacking the car and getting the baby ready, a security patrol vehicle pulled up to us and informed us that we needed a permit to take photos. He let us continue because we weren’t going to be using any “professional” photo equipment like a bounce board or tripod.

The shoot itself went great and I think everyone had a lot of fun, especially laughing at their daughter’s antics! She just wanted to WALK that day. At one point she just kept walking up and down the bridge over and over. Never ran out of energy!

I know I say this all the time, but I really hope I get the chance to photograph their family again, especially because a few months ago our boss announced that their second is on the way! 🙂

